السبت، 20 أبريل
|The Circle
Russian Circle
To register for all of the Russian Circle meetings, please use this link. Here you will be able to choose all the dates you would like to attend.
الوقت والموقع
20 أبريل 2024، 4:30 م – 15 يونيو 2024، 6:00 م
The Circle, 160 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 326 Issaquah, WA 98027
نبذة عن الحدث
What is a Russian Circle? A community-friendly meeting in the Russian language on Saturday evenings at The Circle. Kids eagerly dive into our learning environment with many games and fun projects.
Do you want to know something we did in the Fall and Winter sessions? Read below!
- Experiments: Oobleck, Lava lamp, Elephant’s Toothpaste, Rainbow Walking Water
- Activities: Fool’s Gold mining, Water Marbling, Talent show, Chain reaction, Sensory bins exploration, seasonal crafts
- Topics: Orienteering, Communicating vessels and aquarium, Electricity, A World under the Microscope
What do we do at every meeting:
- Reading good old books and poems
- STEM and Math challenges
- Language development assignments
- Active play - for instance: Teambuilding challenges, parachute games, bowling, table tennis, obstacle course, The floor is Lava, Baloon Balls, etc.
What else?
Board/card games: Bingo, Memory, Guess Who?, Suspend, Snap Circuits, Pretty Princess, Trolls hide-and-seek, Taco-Cat-Goat-Cheese-Pizza, Cat Stax, SmartGames strategies (Squirrels Go Nuts, Prince and Dragon, Pirates Jr. Hide-and-Seek)
Come and see for yourself - we’d like to know your family!