mar 01 de oct
|The Circle
Mandarin Classes - Tuesday [CHINESE]
Horario y ubicación
01 oct 2024, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
The Circle, 160 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 326, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA
Acerca del evento
We are excited to announce that The Circle in partnership with Mandarin Playground will be offering Mandarin classes cater to K to 5th grade children. These classes aim to foster a deeper connection with their families and help them embrace their cultural roots with pride. We invite the families to enroll their children in this enriching program and embark on a journey of discovery and learning.
Mandarin Playground (心悦汉语) has become one of the early providers in the market to successfully implement the concept of "teaching through entertainment and learning through fun" in Chinese courses, conveying the art and beauty of the Chinese language.
This Chinese character enlightenment course, based on Oracle bone script, vividly and engagingly explains the origins of characters. Characters are illustrated through drawings and images, with the needs and interests of overseas children at the core. While teaching traditional Chinese culture, we also emphasize nurturing children's intrinsic motivation for learning and stimulating their critical thinking, imagination, and creativity.
When: Classes will start in October 2024 and continue until June 2025.
Time: Every Tuesday from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.
Where: 160NW Gilman Blvd. Suite 326. Issaquah, WA. 98027.
Who can participate: Children from K to 5th Grade.
20 spots available.
(中文):我们很高兴地宣布,The Circle 将与心悦汉语合作,推出专为幼儿园至五年级学生开设的免费中文课程。这些课程旨在促进孩子们与家人的深层联系,帮助他们为自己的文化传统感到骄傲,产生共鸣。我们诚挚邀请有孩子的中国家庭报名参加这有丰富文化传统的中文课程,共同开启一段探索与学习的旅程。
心悦汉语成为较早在市场上成功实现“寓教于乐 寓学于趣”的中文课程,传达着中文的艺术与美。
汉字启蒙课以甲骨文为基础,从字源出发,生动形象的讲解汉字的形成过程,以绘画和图片的形式表达汉字,以海外孩子的需求与兴趣为核心,成为市场上较早实现“寓教于乐 寓学于趣”的中文课程,传达着中文的艺术与美。在传授中华传统文化的同时,我们同时兼顾培养儿童的学习内驱力,激发孩子们的批判性思维、想象力与创造力。
课程安排: 整个课程将在2024年10月份开始至2025年6月结束。
课程具体时间: 每周二下午4点30分至5点30分
课程地点: 160NW Gilman Blvd. Suite 326. Issaquah, WA. 98027.
报名年龄: 幼儿园(Kindergarten)至5年级小学生,5-12岁